Things You'll Need
Turn on your Lexmark X8350 and wait for it to warm up. Once the printer is ready to be used, connect your digital camera using a USB cord. If you do not have a USB cord, the printer has ports for most memory cards. When you are connecting you camera to the USB cord, connect it with the camera's power turned off. Once connected, turn the camera on.
Using the colored LCD screen and the built-in software, edit your pictures as needed for color correction, exposure and cropping. The software also allows you to organize your prints and view them prior to printing.
Load 4x6 photo paper into the printer's paper tray. Select the picture or pictures you want to print and press the "start/print" button. The printer has a built-in timer that automatically tracks the progress of your prints. Photographic paper has a coating on the side that the image will be printed to, so this side should be face up when loading into the Lexmark X8350.
Turn off the camera prior to disconnecting it from the USB cord that is connected to your computer. By turning the power off you eliminate the risk of any small power surge through the USB cord to your computer, though this is a rare occurrence. Removing the memory card from a reader or the Lexmark X8350 printer is simply done by gently pulling the card out of the reader.