Things You'll Need
Screw the phosphorous bulb into your lamp and include the lamp shade you will use when preparing your artwork. If you are using the lamp for photography, use the light diffuser you will use for the photography project. A light diffuser is a device like a lampshade which light moves through. The fabric of the diffuser -- usually nylon for photography -- scatters the light and makes it less harsh on the subject or scene. Light diffusers are available for purchase at any camera supply store.
Power on the chroma-meter and place it in the center of the subject or artwork. Chroma-meters are devices which measure light in terms of Kelvins. They are available for purchase at camera supply stores. Click the button to lock the reading on the meter. There are many different types of chroma-meters available on the market and their instructions-for-use vary. Read the product manual that accompanies the meter for exact instructions on operating the device.
Read the results of the meter. Compare them with typical daylight measurements. Find typical daylight measurements by performing a chroma-meter outside in your area during full sun. The lower the number, the warmer the light which means there are a lot of red rays in the spectrum the daylight bulb is producing. A higher number indicates cool light which has a large number of blue rays in the light spectrum. According to Popular Mechanics, typical outdoor light measured at noon is approximately 5000 to 6500 Kelvins.
Repeat this test for all the daylight bulbs you are comparing. Choose the bulb whose chroma-meter reading is closest to actual daylight measurements.