Things You'll Need
Open an image editor capable of reading RAW images. Most high-end digital cameras come with software for editing these images. RAW editing allows you to correct problems in your photographs before you save it as an image file you can use for other purposes, which results in a higher quality photograph. Adobe Photoshop is high-end software you can use and Google Picasa is free. These will work if your camera didn't come with software.
Adjust white balance and color saturation by clicking the image you want to change. Make these changes using the slider controls or by setting values using an up or down arrow key in the dialogue box of the appropriate effect. Some software comes with filters and tools that make automatic corrections simply by clicking the desired effect. In Picasa, use the tuning menu to adjust light fills and color temperature until you have the best image you can create.
Convert the RAW image to the image format of your choice, such as JPEG. Use the "Export" or "Convert" function to convert the image. Your original RAW file will not be overwritten, leaving it available for future editing.