Things You'll Need
Connect the Epson V500 scanner to your computer, power up your computer and the scanner. Install the included Epson and Adobe software onto your computer.
Arrange and prep your slides for scanning. If you have a large number of slides to scan, you may want arrange them by subject, date shot or event (summer holidays, Christmas, etc.). While the scanner does have Digital ICE technology to remove dust and scratches from your slides during the scanning process, it is still a good idea to prepare you slides by gently cleaning them using an anti-static cloth. The specially treated cloth will remove dust from your slides and assist in prevent dust from collecting on your slides during the scanning process and when you are handling them.
Insert your slides in the 35mm film strip carrier. The carrier is designed to accept either film negative strip or four slides in their card or plastic mounts. Once the slides are in the carrier, place the carrier on the flatbed scanner.
Start the scan by either pressing the "Start" button on the scanner, or through the software you previously installed on your computer. When you scan using the software, you will have the ability to set the scanning criteria as well as identifying the folder to which you want your scans to be saved.
Repeat the process until all your slides have been scanned into your computer.