Things You'll Need
Set up your in-home portrait studio. The HP website recommends that you plan on taking your newborn baby's portrait before sunrise or sunset to ensure that the lighting is perfect. Drape a solid-colored sheet on a surface where your baby will be comfortable such as your bed or your couch.
Dress your baby in the portrait outfit. Opt for a simple look such as a baby bodysuit or swaddle him in a blanket.
Position your baby on the surface. If your newborn is asleep, don't wake her up. You want her to appear content on film, and you risk upsetting her by interrupting her sleep.
Take several pictures. Turn off the flash so you don't irritate your baby's sensitive eyes. If your camera gives you a zoom option, take advantage of it and get lots of close-ups.
Experiment with the options for photograph variety, perhaps taking sepia or black and white versions, if available on your camera.
Stop for breaks as needed if your child becomes hungry or fussy.