Things You'll Need
Charge your digital camera and Roomba fully; a Roomba battery should charge for at least 16 hours before initial use. Also ensure that the Roomba and digital camera remote controls have fresh batteries.
Turn the Roomba off and place it on a flat work surface once it has charged.
Select a mid-weight suction-cup-mounted camera rig, such as the kind manufactured by Filmtools or Delkin. These rigs are designed for mounting cameras to surfaces such as a car door or window for film production.
Place the suction cup flush against a flat portion of the Roomba, well away from buttons and controls.
Pump the pump cup of the mount until the red indicator marker disappears, which indicates that the correct amount of suction has been achieved to hold the camera in place.
Attach the mount to the camera by twisting the mount screw into the camera's female socket. Turn the camera and Roomba on.
Direct the Roomba using a remote control. When your camera is in range to take a photograph, trigger the shutter using your camera remote.