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How to Add a Camera to a Roomba

The Roomba is an automated vacuum cleaner system made by the iRobot company that cleans carpet and hardwood floors automatically. It is designed as a low-profile disc with a sweeper bin and infrared sensors, which allows it to travel under furniture and around obstacles while avoiding pitfalls such as staircases. Second-generation and newer models have a remote control feature so you can direct your Roomba. The remote control and low profile make the Roomba a good candidate for a remote-controlled base to a mobile camera tripod.

Things You'll Need

  • Roomba
  • Roomba remote control
  • Compact digital camera
  • Camera remote
  • Mid-weight suction cup camera mount
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    • 1

      Charge your digital camera and Roomba fully; a Roomba battery should charge for at least 16 hours before initial use. Also ensure that the Roomba and digital camera remote controls have fresh batteries.

    • 2

      Turn the Roomba off and place it on a flat work surface once it has charged.

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      Select a mid-weight suction-cup-mounted camera rig, such as the kind manufactured by Filmtools or Delkin. These rigs are designed for mounting cameras to surfaces such as a car door or window for film production.

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      Place the suction cup flush against a flat portion of the Roomba, well away from buttons and controls.

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      Pump the pump cup of the mount until the red indicator marker disappears, which indicates that the correct amount of suction has been achieved to hold the camera in place.

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      Attach the mount to the camera by twisting the mount screw into the camera's female socket. Turn the camera and Roomba on.

    • 7

      Direct the Roomba using a remote control. When your camera is in range to take a photograph, trigger the shutter using your camera remote.

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