Take classes at a community college, university extension office or craft center. While most class offerings focus on broader areas of photography, specialized classes in light or close-up photography are usually available. If you cannot find a class that meets your specific interests, talk to the instructors or administrators to register your interest. There might be a class you didn't notice, or the school might start a new class if it receives enough interest.
Talk to photo equipment retailers who can help you use the new equipment you purchase. Ring lights, for example, are very popular in macro flash photography. When buying a ring light, an expert in the photography shop should be able to help you use it. Bring your camera in so that you can practice using your own equipment before you buy a new piece.
Look at the exchangeable image file format, or EXIF, data embedded in macro flash photos that you like. This data shows the exposure settings, aperture, shutter speed, focal length and other details. Then, try to replicate the shots with the same settings. Compare and contrast the settings of similar and very different pictures to see what works in certain situations.
Find or organize a photography workshop. Amateur and professional photographers both benefit from a fresh perspective, and a local community center, art show or crafts center should have a regular photo workshop for photographers to meet and discuss each other's works.
Practice in different settings with different equipment and different subjects. Don't just stick to what you know works, but branch out to what you think might not work. Good photographs can sometimes be accidents, and learning what you did to make a photo stand out will help you to intentionally replicate the success in the future.
Watch other photographers and mimic their techniques. Botanical gardens, insect habitats and craft shows are all common locales for experienced macro photographers. Watch what they do and the type of equipment they use, and try to mimic their ideas.