Things You'll Need
Pick your location. A backdrop of snowy pines, a fireplace with a mantle decorated for Christmas and a Christmas tree are good choices. The location itself does not necessarily need to have a Christmas feel to it, but it shouldn't distract from your theme Look for areas in your home, yard or neighborhood with a neutral or interesting feel such as a lattice-work window or pretty field. Avoid plain walls as a background.
Choose your photographer. With the advent of digital photography, you don't have to hire a professional (though you can if you want). All you really need is a friend or family member with a good eye and a good digital camera.
Select clothing. Family members do not have to wear identical outfits, but your clothes should coordinate and not clash. Whether you want frills and velvet dresses, or a more casual look with clean denim jeans and sweaters in Christmas colors, just make sure the family looks unified when together. Lay out clothing on a bed to see how it will look, and make adjustments as needed.
Do the photo shoot. Take advantage of digital photography, and take lots and lots of pictures, especially if there are children and/or pets involved. Take your time, experiment with different arrangements and poses, and have fun.
Upload pictures to your computer, and select the final photo. Order copies of the sizes you want. You also can use a template to incorporate your family photo into your family's Christmas card or include a copy of the picture in your annual Christmas letter.