Register your business. You will have several options for the type of business you may register, and each type has a different tax and legal obligation. Some of the options include S corporations, limited liability corporations, C corporations and sole proprietorships. Since this choice will affect how you are taxed and what your legal liability is, you may wish to discuss this with an accountant or lawyer.
Decide on a target market. This might be easy based on the type of photographs you have for sale, or you may wish to target several markets. Deciding who you will be selling to will help you in later steps of setting up your company.
Design and build a website, or create an account on an existing photo sales website such as, or A dedicated website can look more professional than a shared website, but designing and implementing a site can be costly. Determine your budget, then choose whether you will be creating your own site or hiring a designer to take care of this aspect for you.
Select a payment processor if you will be collecting payment online. Companies such as PayPal offer options for online companies that are easy to implement; sites such as, or will have payment software ready to use.
Advertise your company and website to your target market. Creating your marketing strategy will depend on your market. Options for advertising include print advertising, flyers, radio and television ads or direct meetings. Your business may need a combination of advertising types to reach your market.