Things You'll Need
Turn off your Nikon D40 and ensure that the memory card is securely placed in the card slot of the camera body. Turn on the iMac and allow it to boot fully.
Attach the USB cable end into one of the USB ports. Apple keyboards have a USB port on the right side of the keyboard; there are also other USB ports on the back of the iMac.
Open the rubber port protector on the left side of the D40 camera body and insert the camera connection cable into the cord slot. Make sure this cable is fully connected.
Turn on the D40. A drive marked "Nikon D40" will appear on your desktop automatically. This will begin the process of loading any photos located on your memory card into your computer. The camera will appear as an external hard disk; click on the Nikon D40 drive icon on your desktop to open the camera and manually transfer or remove images.