Things You'll Need
Decide what photos you want to use for the flip book. Choose up to 20 photos and set out in the order you wish to display them in the book. More than 20 photos can make the flip book too bulky.
Pick out the same number of index cards as number of photos you have chosen. You will also need five additional index cards to make the base for the flip book. Use either colored or white cards depending on your preference.
Punch holes on one long side of every card except for one. The holes should be approximately 1½ inches in from each side. Be sure the holes line up on every card; use one card as a pattern, lining up each card with it and punching through the holes in the pattern. Several cards can be punched at once.
Make the base for the flip book by using four hole-punched index cards and one nonpunched card. Glue two hole-punched cards together, lining up the holes; repeat for the other two cards.
Next glue one photo to a card. Repeat until all the photos are used. Decorate each card or write a message under each photo if desired.
Place the cards on the binder rings, all facing the same way. If desired, use an additional card to make a cover for the flip book. Punch holes in the top of it, and put it on the binder rings in front of the first photo card.
Fold the nonpunched card into thirds widthwise; each third should be about 1-1/3 inches. Set the card on your work surface with the end tabs facing up. Put the two sets of cards together with the holes lined up; place one binder ring through each hole. Glue the other long end of each set of cards to the outside of the tabs of the bottom card. Set aside.