Things You'll Need
Choose a box that is large enough to hold the object you wish to photograph. Cut the top flaps off the box with the utility knife. This will be the front of your box.
Cut a square out of each side of the box except the bottom, leaving a 1-inch rim between the square and the edge of the box.
Cover each opening you cut with two sheets of white tissue paper and tape in place. Do not cover the front of the box where you cut off the flaps.
Cut a piece of white poster board to a size that will fit inside the box stretching from the front bottom edge to the back top edge. Tape in place if it does not stay in place. It should curve from the top to the bottom.
Place your subject in the box and arrange lights around the tissue-covered sides so the light diffuses onto your subject. You can use whatever lights are available, such as tabletop lights or clip-on study lights. Take a picture of your subject through the front opening.