Things You'll Need
Open a new document in your photo editing software and set the size to 8 inches by 10 inches.
Choose a color for the background.
Using the paint bucket tool, fill in the background with your chosen color.
Using the paintbrush tool, add a texture to the background.
Using the elliptical marquee tool, draw a large oval in the center of the background.
Set the marquee to feather 200 points.
Select Inverse to turn the circle inside out.
Choose black as your foreground color.
Select a round paintbrush, and set the opacity to 25% and the size to 800 points.
Paint around the marquee until the shadow is as dark as desired.
Insert the photo you wish to place on the background and re-size the photo as necessary to fit.
Use the Selection Brush Tool to remove the background from the photo.
Select the blur tool and run it along the edges to disguise and touch up to imperfections.