Things You'll Need
Change your wardrobe to include bright colors, such as electric blue, yellow or white. Look at your clothing when you feel yourself drifting off as you read. The bright colors send signals to your brain telling you it's time to feel awake and alert.
Grab a bowl of peanuts and set them next to your reading area. Snack on the peanuts as you read to benefit from their high-fat content. The fat provides you with small energy boosts that can help you stay awake.
Retreat to a reading area where you won't suffer distractions. It should be comfortable and quiet. Do not lie down in your reading area, though, or you may do more sleeping than reading.
Turn on a light and read under it. The light helps you focus on your subject material and makes you feel more alert.
Summarize the information in each paragraph you read verbally to help reinforce it in your mind. Don't take too long verbally summarizing the paragraph, though, or you may lose your place. Write down the summary if you don't feel comfortable speaking aloud.
Stand up and walk in a circle if you feel yourself drifting off. Place your palms on your closed eyelids after you walk and rub your eyes. This warms and relaxes the eyes, making reading more pleasant despite your exhaustion.
Highlight sections or words in the book you have trouble understanding. Don't pull out your pocket dictionary just yet, though. Save researching the information you don't understand for a time when you aren't as tired.