Things You'll Need
Basic Science Experiment
Place a fresh marshmallow on the base of the vacuum bell jar. Cover it with the lid.
Attach vacuum pump to the knob at the top of the bell jar and twist to secure.
Hold the lid in place with one hand. Use your other hand to pump the vacuum piston 15 times.
Observe the marshmallow's reaction contained within the bell jar. Watch as it expands from the reduction of pressure.
Holiday Decoration
Turn a decorative glass bell jar lid upside down.
Place holiday ornaments inside the lid, arranging as desired. Fill the entire lid with ornaments.
Turn the plate upside down and center it over the bell jar opening. Hold the plate tightly to the opening and use other hand to steady the jar top. Carefully turn the entire arrangement until it is facing right side up.
Miniature Greenhouse
Remove the bell jar lid. Insert a potted plant at center of the base. Use a plant suited to high-humidity conditions such as a flame violet, aluminum plant or boxwood.
Spread a layer of small stones across the base. Cover all areas surrounding the potted plant.
Place the bell jar lid on the base. Do not seal. Place the arrangement in a bright area, but do not subject it to direct sunlight.