Separate your books into categories such as authors' last names, publishers, dates of release or series. Once you have determined these initial categories, further sort the books into subcategories such as authors alphabetically, month of release or number in the series.
Input all titles and distinguishing characteristics from the categories and subcategories of each book into a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Include a photo of the book cover if one is available. Arrange the data in a manner that reflects the categories you previously created, such as authors' last names. Type headings into the top row of cells that reflect the last name, book title, ISBN number, and publisher name and date of publication. Click and hold the mouse button while dragging the heading cells to the proper length, to adjust the heading cells to fit the length of the headers. Type each book characteristic in the appropriate cell.
Save the spreadsheet under a title that is self explanatory such as "My Library" or "Books Owned By Me" and in a location where you can find it and revise it as needed. Print a hard copy of the catalog to keep with the books or in a filing cabinet. Update the catalog periodically as you add more books to the collection. Also, be sure to remove books from the list if they are lost or destroyed.