Make Time For Reading
Schedule reading time into your day. Many people want to read but do not make time. Instead of watching something on TV, use that half an hour or an hour to read a book. We make time for lots of things in our daily lives. Reading can be another one.
Find a Quite and Peaceful Place
There is nothing worse than trying to concentrate with lots of noise and disturbance. Distractions such as cooking, watching TV, children or talking friends can cause you to lose concentration and put down the book, just because it is easier. Find a quiet place and go there every time you read. This could be a garden, the library or a cafe.
Keep a Journal
Write down favourite quotes that you read or parts of the book you want to remember. Sometimes, it is just not possible to read every day, and you may forget what is going on. If you make notes, you can read over these instead of going back through the book or having to start again.
Read to Someone
If you have trouble concentrating on your own or want to share you reading experience with someone, you can always read out loud. If you have an elderly relative or children that want to listen, you can read out loud to them. This can also lead to discussions after and a greater understanding of what the book is about.
Join a Book Club
If you are not the most motivated reader, a book club may be perfect for you, as you will feel a certain pressure to keep up. There are thousands of organized book clubs across the U.S. Use the Internet to find a one or ask around and see if your friends know of any. If there does not seem to be one local to you, you could start one up with your friends and meet weekly or monthly to discuss the book or books you have read.