Comics Onscreen
Visit the Comics Onscreen link in the reference section.
Select the "Click Here" link on the Comics Onscreen homepage. The membership registration form will appear.
Fill in the required information. Required information has an asterisk symbol beside it. Type your first and last name, email address, username and the code appearing in the blue box. Click the "Join Now" button when you're finished.
Log in as a member. Type your username and password. Choose a comic book from the category on the left-side menu. Read the full comic online.
Image Comics
Click "Online Comics" on the Image Comics homepage in the Reference section. Images of various comic book covers appear on the screen.
Select a comic book cover that interests you. An online version of the comic book appears in a new window.
Maximize the window. This gives you a full screen view of the comic book. Click the page number link or "Next Page" and begin reading.
Click the "Close Window" link when you're finished. Choose another comic book cover.
Click the "Register Now" link on homepage. A registration form appears on screen. Registration not only lets you view comic strips and editorial cartoons online but also lets you receive comics via email and RSS feed. You may also comment, rank and send comics to your friends when you register.
Create a username and password. Provide additional information such as your first name, last name, email address and birth date. Check the box after reading the terms of service and privacy policy. Click "Register."
Check your email. You'll receive a confirmation link. Click on the link and activate your new account. Type in your username and password and log into your account.
Click "All Comics" or "Editorial Cartoons" from the top menu. Choose a comic strip title from the list. The first comic strip will appear on screen. View additional comic strips by clicking the link numbers or arrow button above the comic strip. Double click the magnifying glass icon on the far upper-right corner of the comic strip for a full screen view.