You can sell paperback books from the comfort of your own home using online websites. Listing old paperbacks on eBay might seem like the obvious thing to do, but you may earn more money by selling them on specialized websites, such as Alibris or Amazon. When selling online, always consider listing and shipping fees when calculating your potential profit.
Second-hand Bookstores
Taking your books to a second-hand bookstore in your local area might allow you to get a better deal. Always shop around if at all possible, getting a price quote from several bookstores before committing to selling your books for a certain price. Even if you decide to sell online, visiting a local second-hand bookstore can help you figure out if any of your paperback books may have collector's value.
Rummage Sales
As a last resort, you can sell your old books at a rummage sale, yard sale or car boot sale. You are unlikely to make much, but it is a better option than just throwing them away.