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How to Sell First Day Covers

Collecting and selling first day covers are a great pastime that many people enjoy. First day covers are envelopes or stamps that are cancelled on the same day that the stamp is first put on sale by the post office. The United States Postal Service typically declares a city to be the official city of the first-day release, although sometimes they may choose a few cities as first-day issue cities. Selling your first day cover can be a way to make some extra funds.

Things You'll Need

  • First Day Covers
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      Contact a local stamp collector or stamp dealer. They will take a look at your first-day cover to give an evaluation on what it may be worth. Stamp dealers can be found at the American Stamp Dealers Association or American Philatelic Society. These groups will ensure that you will be speaking with a stamp dealer that is knowledgeable in the field.

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      Decide on a price for your first-day cover. Once you have allowed a stamp dealer to evaluate your first-day cover, you will need to set the price that you would be willng to accept for it. Private collectors would most likely pay a little bit more than a dealer would.

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      Contact local dealers and collectors to see if any have an interest in your first-day cover. You may want to purchase a copy of the "First Days" publication. This publication contains advertisements from first-day dealers who are actively looking for first-day covers. You can begin to call those listed to get a competitive pricing.

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