Things You'll Need
Search the right website. Some websites focus on books of all genres, others hone in on specific types of novels like mystery, adventure, romance and more. Some websites offer entire novels for little to no cost. Any search engine will yield plenty of results, but the ones listed below are some of the easiest to use and least expensive.
Scroll through the titles. Many of these websites are divided into genre, author, publishing company and more. Scan through the available books just like you would stroll through the aisles of your local bookstore. Many sites include reviews and information about the titles to aid in your selection process.
Pick a title. Use the resources available within the site to select the right book. Even if reviews and synopses aren’t available for your topic on the website, use your favorite search engine to find out more about the title you are interested in. Any information you need about the book can be easily found, though it is no guarantee that you will like the book once purchased.
Download the right software. Some sites include the text for the book using html as a part of the site itself. Others require you to download the novel using your desired reader. Most sites cater to Adobe Reader. Some may only use Mobipocket Reader or Microsoft Reader. Most sites using this free software will prompt you to the software’s website to download a version of the program or update your current version. Updating is important because sometimes your program will be out of date and therefore not compatible.
Make your payment to start reading. These prices are always much less than you could expect to pay for a bound copy at any bookstore. While some sites are free, others require a payment. This is not only because the website creators need to be paid for providing the service, but because the authors and publishing companies need payment to allow their work to be featured on the site. Some sites allow you to pay through PayPal, others accept any major credit card payment. Check the security connections before submitting any personal information to a site.