Things You'll Need
Set aside an hour each day to read. An hour a day may seem like an enormous commitment and if it truly is an impossible goal than you can, by all means, lower it to 30 minutes. You’ll be amazed, however, how much time you find to read when you’re actually trying to schedule it in. Evaluate you schedule and attack the task of reading the way you do all your other appointments. There’s bound to be an hour in your 24-hour day where you can find the time to sit down and read.
Read on your commute. If you live in a big city and ride public transportation to work, read your book during your commute. If you have a long commute, this will help the time fly by and it may even get you to looking forward to that daily grind. If you drive, consider starting a car pool and switching off driving days, using your off day to read in the car.
Read by chapters. Many people struggle to get through a book because of the way they jolt themselves through it. Most books are made of chapters or sections. When you’re reading, force yourself to read by chapters. This makes it easier to pick up where you left off the next day and it helps to neatly close each reading session. If a book has 20 chapters and you read 3 chapters a day, you’ll finish a book in a week!
Read at lunch. If you take a lunch break during work, use that hour to read. Bring your lunch and close your door or walk to the nearest park and sit on a bench. This will help you get away from the office antics and give you a chance to do something you enjoy. Many people won’t leave the office if they don’t have a business lunch or meeting, so make reading your date and enjoy an hour off.
Read before you go to bed. This is what the majority of the reading public does and while there’s nothing wrong with reading before you go to bed, many people fall asleep within minutes of starting. If you go to bed at the same time each night, schedule your night so that you are ready for bed 1 hour before your normal bedtime. Grab your book and sit in a chair-do not sit or lay in bed-and read for 1 hour before bed time.
Read during breakfast. Exchange you newspaper for a book and read over your morning coffee.
Read in the bathroom. Though we hope you don’t have the unfortunate problem of spending a lot of time in the bathroom, there is a way to pass those minutes by. Many people love to read in the bathroom and this everyday task can get you at least 1/4 way closer to your daily goal. What else do you have to do in there anyway?
Turn off the television. Most of the people who say they don’t have enough time to read are the same people who spend 3 hours each night glued to the television. There’s nothing wrong with watching television, but if you enjoy reading, use half your television time to read instead. Make a bowl of popcorn, get comfy on the couch and open up your book.
Read on the weekends. Get up one morning each weekend and before you do anything else, head out to your porch and start reading. If you don’t have a porch, head to the park or just sit in your favorite reading chair in the house. Getting up early on the weekends is a great way to get deep into a book. When the house is still quiet and everyone else is sleeping, you won’t be interrupted by the urge to do something else.