Determine the condition of your old text book. Look at the binding and the outer cover for wear and tear. See if there is writing or any other markings inside the textbooks. Make sure that your textbook is not missing any pages. The price that you sell the book for will be partially determined by the condition of the book, so describe it accurately.
Price your old text book. Search for your text book online and see what other retailers, such as online bookstores or auction websites, are selling the book for. Make sure it's priced competitively, or it'll be hard to sell.
Visit local college bookstores and used book stores that buy used text books to see if they may be interested in purchasing your old text books.
List your book online for sale at eBay,, Amazon and Craigslist. When using these sites, price the book competitively and accurately describe the condition of your textbook.
Post fliers on a local college campus advertising your books for sale. Some college student may need your particular textbook and be able to save money by buying the book from you rather than the bookstore. Accurately describe your book on these fliers and to provide your contact information in case anyone is interested.