Things You'll Need
Check with ebook retailers. Some, such as eBookMall, Fictionwise and Mobipocket (see Resources below) offer free downloads.
Shop publisher websites. More and more, companies that publish the traditional hardback and paperback books that are sold in bookstores are offering epublished versions on their websites, such as PenguinGroup, Random House and Simon &Schuster (see Resources below). There are also dozens of publishers that specialize in ebook publishing. Places such as Book Crossroads or Microsoft Reader (see Resources below) keep listings of ebook publishers.
Find free ebooks at the same places you download free ebook readers; from suppliers such as Adobe and Microsoft Reader (see Resources below).
Visit your local library. Many public libraries have ebook loan programs.
Enter contests sponsored by authors or publishers. Often they give away free copies of their ebooks as prizes.
Go to Project Gutenberg (see Resources below), a collection of over 20,000 free ebooks.