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Sewing Crafts to Make for College Students

Some college students join trade schools that offer sewing programs, which teach students the intricacies of sewing from cutting patterns to completing a project. In these programs, students complete projects with the help of sewing craft kits that are sold at stores; these kits range from pillows to clothing and cover a range of college-licensed projects. They come complete with materials and illustrated instructions.
  1. Table Runners

    • Bandannas can be turned into patriotic-looking table runners. Materials needed to complete such a project include several bandannas of a similar pattern (the exact number will depend on the length of the table), pins, crimping scissors and a sewing machine or hand-sewing kit. The first bandanna should be put on a flat surface with a fold on the edge of the next bandanna, and then aligned to overlap the pattern of the first one. After pinning the two pieces together, they must be sewn from underneath using a running stitch. After removing the pins and trimming off excess material, the steps get repeated with the rest of the bandannas until the runner is complete.

    Sweater Pillows

    • Old sweaters can be recycled to make sweater pillows. A suitable pillow form should be selected, with a sweater placed on the form to get measurements. A pen can be used to mark off the size, and you should make sure to leave approximately a quarter-inch of seam around the markings. Three of the seamed sides should be sewn together, leaving the fourth side open. The sweater should be flipped back onto its right side to insert the pillow form inside. The fourth seam can be hand-stitched closed.

    Patchwork Quilts

    • Patchwork quilts are easy to make and environment-friendly because they reuse old clothes and other fabrics. A selection of colorful old clothes that are marked for recycling should be gathered. The usable portions of the cloth should be cut off. The panels of cloth do not need to be of even dimensions. The center of the quilt can be a mix of colors that is chosen at random. Leaving a quarter-inch seam, the fabric panels should be joined end-to-end and sewn together until one entire strip is complete. These steps must be continued until the required number of strips is complete and joined together to complete the quilt.

    Throw Pillows

    • Decorative throw pillows that can be used to brighten a dorm can be made as part of a sewing crafts project. Cut a yard and a half of fabric into three pieces to make a 20-inch square pillow; the front should measure 21 inches by 21 inches and the two rectangles for the back should measure 13 inches by 21 inches each. Zigzag or overlong stitching can be used to complete raw edges. For the exposed straight edges of the rectangles, a fancy hem may look good. The edges should be pinned together later with the rectangles laid face down on top of the front square; the pieces must be sewn together, and the case must be turned onto its right side to insert the pillow.

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