Things You'll Need
Select two feed sacks that are the same size, in prints that work well together. Use sacks that are no more than 24 inches wide.
Lay one sack out flat with the bottom side closest to you. Measure the width of the sack and multiply it by 1.6. Cut the sack to this length by cutting off the top edge. This will create a bag with pleasing proportions.
Fold the sack In half lengthwise by bringing the right side to meet the left side. Measure 2 inches along the top edge and mark this point with a pin. Measure the length of the sack and divide it by 3. Measure this distance down from the top along the left side. Cut a smooth curve from this point to a point 10 inches below the pin in the top of the sack and then cut straight up to the pin. Cut through all four layers of fabric. This makes a strap for the handbag.
Unfold the sack and use it as a pattern to cut the second sack in the same way. One sack will be the bag, and the other will be the lining.
Turn the sacks wrong side out. Set a sewing machine to sew a straight stitch with a standard stitch length. Sew the top of the straps of one bag together by stitching 1/2 inch from the top edge. Sew the straps on the other bag in the same way. You will have two bags, each with a single strap sticking straight up in the center. When the bag is laid flat, it will be a rectangle with the top two corners cut out in a curved line.
Turn one sack wrong side out and slip the other sack inside it, matching the seams and all the edges. The right side of the fabric of both sacks will be together between the bags.
Sew the lining to the bag by stitching from the top of the right side of the strap on the back of the bag to the side seam and then up to the top of the right side of the strap on the front of the bag. Stitch 1/2 inch from the raw edges, going around the opening where the corner was cut out on the right side. Sew the left side of the bag in the same way. Sew 1/2 inch from the end of the front strap. Leave the end of the back strap open for turning.
Clip the curves by cutting the seam allowance perpendicular to the seam every 1/4 inch around the curve. The seam allowance is the fabric that extends beyond the seam. Cut close to the seam without cutting the seam.
Turn the bag right side out through the opening in the end of the back strap. Fold in the seam allowance along the opening and insert the end of the front strap 1/2 inch into the opening. Stitch across the top of the strap, 1/4 inch from the fold, to hold the two straps together.