Things You'll Need
Measure 1.25 inches up from the bottom of the sleeve; mark a line in fabric chalk all the way around the sleeve at this level. Fold the fabric up at the line so that you have 1.25 inches of doubled fabric, with the raw edge on the outside.
Pin the folded fabric in place. Press the crease lightly with an iron to set it. Remove the pins and unfold the hem.
Measure and fold the bottom 1/4 inch of the fabric upward; press it to set a crease.
Sew the 1/4-inch fold in place using a catch stitch. With your needle pointing to the left, sew through several fibers of the material immediately above the fold. Move the needle about 3/8 of an inch to the right and sew through several fibers of the material immediately below the crease. Continue moving around the sleeve to the right with the needle always pointing to the left. Tie off the thread when you return to your starting position.
Fold the hem back up along the crease and pin it again. Sew it down with a catch stitch. Repeat on the other sleeve.