Things You'll Need
Lay out the square piece of fabric on a flat surface. Cut the fabric square in half diagonally.
Place the triangle shaped pieces with their right sides together and the points of the triangles facing left. Pin along the edge on the right side and stitch using a ¼-inch seam allowance. Press the seam open with a hot iron. Open the fabric so that it makes a rhombus shape with the sewn edge in the middle of the shape.
Use a transparent ruler to make lines across the wrong sides of the fabric every 2¼ inches.
Finish marking the piece and fold the right sides together, forming a tube. Line up the marked lines, leaving one line extending beyond the edge on each side of the tube.
Pin the edges together and stitch them using a ¼-inch seam allowance. Press the seam open with a hot iron.
Begin cutting on one of the marked lines on the edge. Continue cutting on the lines to create the continuous bias binding.