Things You'll Need
Choose the pair of sweatpants you wish to make into capris. Try them on and use tailor's chalk to mark the new, capri-length hem. The hem of capri pants should fall to the area of the leg below the calf but above the ankle; however, you can adjust this a little higher to suit your preference. If you want the sweats to blouse a little above the elasticized cuff, make your chalk mark a few inches lower on the leg.
Lay the pants flat on a table or other working surface and find your chalk mark. Use a straight edge and your chalk to extend that mark into a line that goes all around the pant leg. Repeat on the other leg of the sweats.
Draw another line 1 inch further down the leg from your original line and parallel to it. This is your cut line.
Cut both pant legs along the second line you drew, using a pair of sharp sewing shears.
Turn under a 1-inch hem and pin into place.
Sew this hem into place, using a serger or zigzag stitch if possible, and a 5/8-inch seam allowance. Do not close this seam; leave a 2-inch access gap between the beginning and ending of the seam. This is where you will feed the elastic into the casing you just made.
Cut two pieces of 1/2-inch-wide elastic; these pieces should be as long as the circumference of your calf at the point where the hem will fall, plus 1/2-inch. Fitting the elastic to your leg will ensure the right fit; if you cut the elastic too short, it could be uncomfortably tight. If you cut it too loose, it will not gather the sweat pants hem tight enough.
Thread each of the elastic pieces through each of the casings, leaving each end of the elastic sticking out of the casing. Make sure elastic lays flat within the casing.
Overlap the ends of the elastic by 1/2 inch and sew them together.
Close up the casing by finishing the hem seam across your 2-inch access gap.