Things You'll Need
Tear and remove all the stitching around the entire perimeter of the bedspread using a seam ripper. Remove the stuffing and discard the old backing.
Iron out the remaining piece of fabric on an ironing table to lay the edges flat.
Measure the piece of fabric using a measuring tape. Cut that measurement from the fabric of your choice. You should be left with two identically sized pieces of fabric.
Lay the two fabric pieces against each other, making sure the decorative/front sides are facing each other. Secure the fabric pieces together using sewing pins around the perimeter.
Stitch the perimeter of the bedspread case using a loaded sewing machine. Stop sewing when you have about 5 inches left, knot the thread and cut the needle away using a pair of scissors.
Turn the bedspread right side out through the hole you left after removing all the sewing pins. Use a yard stick to turn out the corners.
Stuff the old bedspread filling into the hole, using the yard stick to make sure it reaches the corners. You can also choose to use new cotton stuffing, found in craft stores and online.
Sew the remaining 5 inches of bedspread shut using the sewing machine. Knot the thread and cut the needle away using a pair of scissors.