History of the Crochet Doily
Doilies gained popularity in the Victorian Era where a woman was expected to crochet
a minimum of 10 pieces prior to marriage. Stored in a hope chest ,this patterned napkin needlework would take center stage on the furniture in the new household. Simple patterns
found in craft magazines, fabric stores and arts and crafts sections of department stores
provide easy instructions to follow replicating these drone table runner patterns. Use cotton thread in traditional white or update the look with metallic or seasonal colors.
Fashion Doilies Into Crafty Calling Cards
Recycled doilies can be made into greeting or place cards. Shop at thrift stores to purchase
colored or traditional white ones in the bumble bee pattern. Cut card stock to the required
size and adhere the doily proportionately. Add personal messages to these handcrafted cards with fabric paint or waterproof markers. Handmade holiday cards embossed with
paper doilies are a treasured memento. Appropriate for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or
female birthdays, cards can be made with pop-ups and accordion folds.
Homemade Gifts With a Vintage Feel
Reuse the patterned placemat tapestry to concoct a handmade holiday or hostess gift. Search for cookie tins in thrift or antique stores to store favorite baked goods in. Trim the
doily to fit exactly on the lid of the tin and glue. Embellish with sequins, seed pearls or
small gem stones, if desired. Varnish with fabric shellac to waterproof the keepsake.
Paper Bumble Bee Doilies Make Party Decorations
Paper napkin needlework designs enhance a party atmosphere with a feminine touch.
Doily flower garlands dress up mantles, windows and staircases for an at-home
or informal wedding. Stenciled cutouts with messages on paper bumble bee doilies hung
above buffet or sweet tables replace standard banners for bridal events and birthdays.
Complete the look designing a coordinating table arrangement with centerpieces adorned
with the same doilies. Fold the paper in a triangle and cut across the middle until a
circular ruffle remains. Wrap around your chosen centerpiece.
Minute Projects Crafting With Small Doilies
A quick and easy project can be made in less than 10 minutes requiring the use of small doilies needle, thread and ribbon. Make a tree ornament by folding three doilies in triangle shapes and stack one inside another forming a tree skirt. Stitch up the middle with needle and thread to secure. Attach an ornament to the top of the "tree." Loop a ribbon through the ornament to hang. Seasonally, these can be used for fall mobiles, window motifs or at
Christmas on the tree.