Things You'll Need
Lay a sheet of black felt on a flat surface.
Create multiple spot shapes of varying sizes on the black felt using a white crayon. The amount of spots you choose to make is completely up to you, as there are some dalmatians with only a few spots and some with many.
Cut the spot shapes from the felt using a pair of scissors.
Lay a plain whiteT-shirt on a flat surface and arrange the spots over the shirt as you wish. Secure the spots to the shirt using sewing pins so that both the front, sides and back of the shirt can be spotted.
Push a needle threaded with black thread through the bottom of a spot. Stitch the entire perimeter of the spot to attach it to the shirt. Knot the thread when the needle is inside the shirt and cut it away using scissors. Remove the sewing pin from the spot.
Repeat until all spots have been secured.