Things You'll Need
Cut the webbing to the desired length with sharp scissors. When it is cut, seal the raw edges by applying the flame of a butane lighter or apply a bead of anti-fray glue. Allow glue to dry.
Prepare the sewing machine by inserting a heavy needle, threading the machine with button or carpet thread and setting the length of the stitch to about 3 or 4 stitches per inch. Insert the bobbin threaded with any regular strength thread.
Place the webbing in the location desired and secure it with a sewing pin, if possible. If the webbing is too thick to pin, stitch it in place with a few long hand stitches using a heavy needle and the same thread as in the machine.
Sew a few experimental stitches through scraps of webbing alone, sewing very slowly. Then sew a few more experimental stitches through the webbing and tote material. Do not force the machine or risk burning out the motor. Make adjustments to the machine before stitching on the bag.
Sew the webbing to the bag, forming a rectangle with the stitching and finishing the attachment with a large X in the center of the rectangle. Repeat all the stitching for added strength.