Things You'll Need
Make Plushie
Draw the shape of your plushie on the newspaper or craft paper. This is your pattern.
Add a 1/4-inch outline all the way around the pattern to create a seam allowance.
Cut out the pattern.
Fold the fabric in half with right sides together. Smooth out the fabric to make it wrinkle-free.
Pin the pattern onto the fabric. Be sure to pin through the paper plus both pieces of fabric.
Cut around the pattern then unpin it from the fabric. Pin the fabric again to keep its edges matching.
Sew with machine or hand needle and thread around the fabric, making your seam 1/4 inch away from the edges all the way around. Leave an opening in an inconspicuous place, like between ears or legs.
Turn the fabric right side out, pushing it through the small opening.
Stuff the fabric animal with fiber fill until it reaches the desired level of fluffiness.
Turn the open edges inside, each 1/4 inch. Stitch the open area closed.
Cut eyes, nose and mouth, if desired, from pieces of felt and hand stitch them into place.