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How to Sew a Plushie With Arms and Legs

Plushies are simple stuffed animals that do not have moveable arms or legs. Some don't have arms or legs at all. For instance, a simple rectangular base with a cat-shaped head is a simple legless cat. The shape of the head is enough to distinguish the fact that it is a cat. Adding arms and legs is not difficult, though. You can even make a plushie with arms and legs without using a pattern.

Things You'll Need

  • Old newspaper or craft paper
  • Pen
  • Scissors
  • Fabric
  • Pins
  • Various felt squares
  • Hand sewing needle
  • Thread
  • Sewing machine (optional)
  • Polyester fiber fill (or another stuffing)
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  1. Make Plushie

    • 1

      Draw the shape of your plushie on the newspaper or craft paper. This is your pattern.

    • 2

      Add a 1/4-inch outline all the way around the pattern to create a seam allowance.

    • 3

      Cut out the pattern.

    • 4

      Fold the fabric in half with right sides together. Smooth out the fabric to make it wrinkle-free.

    • 5

      Pin the pattern onto the fabric. Be sure to pin through the paper plus both pieces of fabric.

    • 6

      Cut around the pattern then unpin it from the fabric. Pin the fabric again to keep its edges matching.

    • 7

      Sew with machine or hand needle and thread around the fabric, making your seam 1/4 inch away from the edges all the way around. Leave an opening in an inconspicuous place, like between ears or legs.

    • 8

      Turn the fabric right side out, pushing it through the small opening.

    • 9

      Stuff the fabric animal with fiber fill until it reaches the desired level of fluffiness.

    • 10

      Turn the open edges inside, each 1/4 inch. Stitch the open area closed.

    • 11

      Cut eyes, nose and mouth, if desired, from pieces of felt and hand stitch them into place.

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