Things You'll Need
Sewing Machine
Place the right sides of your fabric together and line up the edges. If desired, sew a seam at least 1/2 inch from the edge.
Iron the seam to one side.
Switch to the overcast foot on your sewing machine. Position the fabric so the stitches fall at the very edge of the ironed fabric.
Stitch the length of the fabric using an overcast stitch.
By Hand
Tie a double knot in one end of your thread. Thread your needle, and push it through the front of your fabric 1/8 to 1/16 inch from the edge.
Pull the thread through the back of the fabric and over the edge, back to the front.
Push it back through the front as close to the first stitch as possible.
Finish the length of the fabric in this manner. Once at the other end, immediately begin crossing over the first stitches with a second row, forming an "X" shape. Repeat for the length of the fabric.
Tie a double knot to secure.