Things You'll Need
Set the sewing machine for a wide zigzag stitch and a standard stitch length. Sew two rows of zigzag stitches along the sides of the sweater. This will allow you to cut the sweater without it unraveling.
Cut the sleeves off the sweater, cutting outside the seam line; then, cut between the two zigzag seams to separate the front of the sweater from the back. The front and back will still be attached at the shoulders.
Lay the front of the sweater on a flat surface and use a yard stick and tailor's chalk to draw a 13-inch square on the sweater.
Zigzag stitch around the square. Try not to stretch the fabric as you sew. Cut out the square just beyond the stitching.
Use this square as a pattern to trace, sew and cut a square from the back of the sweater.
Sew the two squares together with the right sides of the fabric on the inside. Sew 1/2 inch from the edges, leaving an 8-inch opening in the middle of one side for inserting the pillow form.
Turn the pillow cover right side out and insert the pillow form. Hand sew the opening closed.