Things You'll Need
Fold the fabric in half. Measure out 17.5 inches in length and 25 inches in width and cut the material. Cut the single strap -- 35 inches long and 5 inches wide.
Serge the raw edges of the fabric before pre-washing. Fold the strap in half lengthwise and iron it with the wrong sides facing each other.
Pin the open strap edges together and stitch the strap closed, including along the pressed fold.
Make a 2-inch fold along one long edge of the backpack fabric. Pin the folded section to the inside of the backpack. Press the fold to maintain a straight edge and stitch the loose edge of the fold to the interior wall of the backpack to create the casing. Bring together the two wide edges of the backpack fabric, with the right sides facing each other. Mark a 1/2-inch seam allowance on the wrong side of the backpack and press the wide edges together.
Stitch together the backpack seam edges along the bottom and side, stopping 1 inch below the casing stitches to allow room for threading the cord. Backstitch the seam to reinforce it.
Cut a 4-foot length of nylon cording. Place the cording over the casing at the top of the backpack. Fold the top of the casing over the cording and pull it 1/2 inch below the cording. Pin the casing in place and stitch it to the interior backpack wall. Avoid catching the cord in the stitching or the backpack will not close.
Fold each end of the backpack strap together to form a triangle and serge the folds. Stitch the top and bottom of the strap to the top and bottom of the pack along the side seam line.
Thread the cording through the cord lock and tightly knot each cord end. Fill the backpack and slide the cord lock in toward the top of the backpack to close it.