Things You'll Need
Unfold a single-fold, ankle-length sock. Lay the sock on a table so that the toe is closest to you. Stretch the top edge of the sock and measure the distance around the stretched edge. You will be measuring the circumference of the opening at the top of the sock. Do not stretch the sock as far as it will stretch, just stretch the sock as if you were going to put it on. On a girl's sock this should be about 13 inches. Stretching the sock before you measure for the trim ensures the sock will stretch enough for you to get in on after the trim is added.
Add 1/2 inch to this measurement and cut two pieces of ruffled trim this length, one for each sock. The trim can be any width.
Fold the trim in half with the right sides together and zigzag stitch the ends of the trim together to create a ring of trim. Stitch very close to the cut ends of the trim with a medium stitch width and length.
Turn the sock inside out and pin the trim around the top of the sock so that the ruffle is pointing up. Position the seam in the trim on the side of the sock. The line between the header,and the ruffle should be even with the top edge of the sock. The header is the flat part of the trim above the ruffle. Stretch the sock to fit the ring of trim. Be sure the sock is stretched evenly by pining the side seam to the side of the sock first, then pinning the opposite side of the ring to the opposite side of the sock.
Sew the ruffle to the sock with a wide zigzag stitch and a long stitch length. Remove the pins as you sew.
Sew trim to the other sock in the same way. Place the seam on the opposite side of the second sock. This will allow you to place both seams on the inside of the ankle where they will be less visible.