Things You'll Need
Turn your baggy jeans inside-out and put them on. Close the zip and button on the jeans and make sure they are sitting on your waist or hips (however you normally wear your jeans). If the jeans are very wide on you, you will need to hold them up so they sit where you will want them to hang once they are tighter.
Insert pins in a long vertical row on either side of the jeans legs to take in as much of the legs as you want. Have a friend do the pinning for you while you stand up straight so the jeans are hanging down properly. Make sure the pins are securely pushed through the fabric so that they won't fall out when you take the jeans off.
Slip off the jeans, being very careful not to pull out any pins or to stick yourself on them. Lay the jeans flat on a table and smooth them out so you can see both rows of pins clearly.
Mark a line directly on top of both rows of pins using seamstress chalk. The lines should be very defined so you will be able to see them distinctly when the pins come out. Remove all of the pins. Sew a straight stich along both of the chalk lines using a sewing machine.
Turn the jeans right-side-out and try them on. If the fit is too tight, pull out the new stitches you made and re-pin the jeans on your body, allowing more space than before. If the jeans are still too loose, sew a new seam on each side to reduce the width of each leg.
Turn the jeans inside-out once the fit is correct and cut off the excess denim from each side. Press the new seams down using an iron, then turn the jeans right-side-out and press the outside of the seams.