Things You'll Need
Cut out two semi-circular pieces of fabric that are each five inches tall in the middle and nine inches wide at the bottom. These will be the side pieces of the skull cap.
Cut out a rectangle of fabric that is five inches wide and 18 inches long. This will form the top of the skull cap.
Sew the curved edge of one of the semi-circular pieces onto one of the long sides of the rectangle. Sew the other semi-circular piece onto the other long side of the rectangle in the same manner. You should now have a rough looking cap shape.
Cut a piece of fabric that is four inches wide and 24 inches long. Fold this fabric piece in half (right sides of the fabric together), bringing the two longer edges together.
Sew the two longer sides together, leaving the shorter sides open. Turn the fabric right side out and sew the shorter edges closed. This will form the bottom of the hat and the back ties.
Sew the tie piece all around the bottom of the hat, lining up the center of the tie band with the front center of the hat. Allow the two ends to drape down the back of the hat. These will be tied together to secure the cap on the head.