Things You'll Need
Hang the decorative rod according to manufacturer instructions.
Measure the decorative rod's length and multiply by 3 inches. Decide the length of the tails and multiply by 2 inches. Add these two numbers. Add 1 inch for seams. This is your swag fabric width measurement.
Begin at the top of your rod and measure vertically down to the position you want the valance to hang. Add 1 inch for seams. This is your swag fabric length measurement.
Make the Valance
Cut the main fabric (the fabric that will show on the front) to the swag fabric width and length requirements. Cut the lining fabric the same size as the main fabric. Fabric sections may be joined to reach the width requirement.
Lay the fabric on a flat surface with the right side up. From left to the right, measure the length of the tail plus 1/2 inch. Mark the position with a fabric pencil along the top edge. Measure 18 inches from this mark. Place a second mark. This is the first tab. Measure 13 1/2 inches over and mark. This is the first swag. Repeat this two more times. Measure 18 inches over and mark. The leftover fabric is the length of the tail and hem.
Place a mark at the center of each tab.
Place the lining fabric on top of the main fabric with the right sides touching. Pin in place. Stitch around all four sides allowing a 1/2-inch seam. Leave a 10-inch opening at the top for turning. Turn the right side out and stitch the opening closed by hand. Press.
Place the fabric on the table with the main side up. Start at the first tab, hold the top edge at the tab's center mark. Draw the tab's center up above the top edge to crumple the tab fabric. Lock the pulled fabric in place with a rubber band. Repeat for the remaining tabs. Adjust the tabs to identical lengths and shape into small fans. Swags will form between the tabs, turn the top swag edges to the front to allow the lining fabric to show.
Sew a curtain ring to the back of all tabs. Cut 4 pieces of ribbon. Tie the ribbon pieces to cover the rubber bands.