Things You'll Need
Simple Sheath Sundress
Try on the dress you want to alter. Find the center back waist and ask a partner to mark it for you using the fabric marker. Take the dress off.
Cut 1 to 1 1/2 yards of ribbon to use for a back waist tie. Cut the ribbon in half to create two pieces of equal length.
Press under a 1/4 inch on each end, of each piece of ribbon, using a cool iron. Fold over again and press to create a narrow hem. Stitch each end as pressed.
Measure 3 inches on either side of the back waist center mark, and mark it. Pin one end of each piece of ribbon to each mark. Stitch as pinned. The ribbons become back ties to bring in the waist of a simple sheath sundress that doesn't need a clear waist or waistband.
Bodice, Waist Sundress
Rip the seam between the bodice and the skirt of the sundress using a seam ripper so that the bodice and skirt are two separate pieces.
Pin the bodice's side seams on the inside near the waist, with the outsides of the seams facing each other. This reduces each side by the desired amount. Stitch the inside as pinned, blending the new seam to the old side seam toward the bust. Press the iron to the new seam allowances toward the back.
Set your sewing machine on a long stitch, at least 3.0 cm long. Stitch a line 1/2 inch from the top of the skirt. Leave the threads on the line of stitching long enough to pull.
Pull the long stitching's top thread to gather the skirt until its diameter reduces in size adequately.
Match the skirt's side seams and center front and back points to the bodice's side seams, and center front and back points. With the right side of the skirt facing the right side of the bodice, pin all the way around the diameter. Stitch as pinned. Press the seam allowance down toward the skirt.