Things You'll Need
Look at pictures in a book with farm scenes and choose the ones you'd like to display on your sweatshirt. Draw the pictures of your choice on the cardboard, keeping in mind that if it's a picture of a rooster, for instance, the beak, the comb and the eye will be drawn separate from the body of the rooster and fabric of the appropriate color will be used for each body part. If you don't want images of animals on your sweatshirt, choose other images.
Cut along the lines of the pictures you drew on the cardboard to make a pattern. You should have enough outlines of farm scene pictures to create a complete farm scene on your sweatshirt.
Choose the appropriate color synthetic suede for the pattern you will be outlining (if it's a pattern of a chicken, for instance, use white synthetic suede for the body of the chicken, yellow for the beak and legs, black for the eyes, and so on), and lay the synthetic suede fabric out on the table with the wrong side of fabric facing up. Place the cardboard pattern on top of the synthetic suede and draw around the edges of the cardboard with your pen until your picture is outlined. Cut the beak and legs off the cardboard pattern and outline them on a piece of yellow synthetic suede.
Follow step 3 for each pattern you have until you have all the pictures you want to use in your farm scene outlined on the synthetic suede.
Cut out each synthetic suede piece outlined, and pin each piece to the front of your sweatshirt, creating the scene you want. Place the pins far enough away from the edges of each piece so as not to strike any pins with your sewing machine needle while sewing each piece in place.
Stitch each synthetic suede piece to your sweatshirt using matching thread. Stitch close to the edges.