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How to Make a Reversible Autumn/Christmas Table Runner

Versatility and economy are called for if you have limited space to store special holiday linen. Get the most for your money and your storage space by making this simple reversible table runner from two pieces of coordinated holiday fabrics. Use the runner by itself to show off your dining room table, or in combination with a plain table cloth.

Things You'll Need

  • Two coordinating holiday fabrics
  • Thread to match
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Straight pins
  • Needle
  • Tassels to match
  • Iron
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    • 1

      Measure the length of your table and add a yard. Purchase that length of fabric in two coordinating seasonal fabrics. With a little searching, it is easy to find complimentary design and colors. Often a manufacturer will have produce sets of coordinating fabrics. Find tassels to match both fabrics.

    • 2

      Cut the fabric into four 15 inch wide strips. Most fabrics are 60 inches wide. You can make four table runners. This allows you to use the runners to decorate multiple holiday tables, china hutches and serving tables or give as gifts. If you want to reduce the amount of fabric used, purchase half the amount and piece two of the strips together.

    • 3

      Place the fabric strips top sides together and pin in place. On each end, take a quilter’s square and draw a 45 degree angle from the center of the edge to the side. Cut along the line. If you do not have a quilter’s square take the side end and fold it to the center creating a 45 degree angle. Crease the fabric and use the crease for a cutting line.

    • 4

      Start on a side center and sew ½ inch from the edge all the way around the runner. Stop and start at the corner points at the end, and make a small ¼ inch gap for the tassel end to be pulled through. Continue around the edge and stop about 3 inches from where you started.

    • 5

      Take the tassel and place them inside the table runner pulling the end through the ¼ inch gap at the end of each runner, one tassel on each end. Pin in place. Make sure the tassel lengthsare the same length. Stitch close the opening with a few front and back stitches.

    • 6

      Turn the table runner right side out and iron. Hand sew the three inch gap with a slip stitch in a matching color thread.

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