Things You'll Need
Sew the Fabric for the Pillow Sham
Cut eleven strips of fabric, each 2 1/2 inches wide by 28 inches long, for the front of the quilted pillow sham.
Arrange the strips in the order you want them. Place two strips right sides together and stitch them together along the long edge.
Unfold the strips and press the seam open. Place the next strip right sides together with the previous strip and sew them together along the long edge.
Repeat Step 3 until all the strips of fabric are sewn together.
Cut eleven strips of fabric, each 2 1/2 inches wide by 30 inches long, for the back of the quilted pillow sham.
Arrange the strips in the order you want them. Cut each strip in half so that you have twenty-two shorter strips. One set of eleven will be for the upper half of the pillow sham and one set of eleven will be for the lower half.
Sew each set of eleven strips for the back of the quilted pillow sham together the same way you did for the front. Do not sew the two sets of strips together.
Quilt the Fabric for the Pillow Sham
Cut a piece of fabric that’s 22 inches tall by 28 inches wide to make the backing for the front of the quilted pillow sham. Place the fabric wrong side up.
Cut a piece of batting that’s 21 1/2 inches tall by 27 1/2 inches wide. Place the batting on top of the fabric backing.
Place the strip fabric for the front of the pillow sham right side up on top of the batting.
Pin the layers together, then sew them together along the seams between the strips, or using the quilting design of your choice.
Cut two pieces of fabric, each 12 inches tall by 28 inches wide to make the backing for the back of the quilted pillow sham.
Place each piece of backing fabric and the sewn together strips for the back of pillow sham right sides together.
Sew the backing fabric and the upper strip fabric together along the bottom edge. Sew the backing fabric and the lower strip fabric together along the top edge. Press each seam open and turn the fabric right side out.
Cut two pieces of batting, each 11 1/2 inches tall by 27 1/2 inches wide. Insert the batting between the layers of strip and backing fabric.
Quilt each section of the back of the pillow sham the same way you did the front.
Sew the Quilted Pillow Sham
Lay the front of the quilted pillow sham with the backing side facing up.
Place the two pieces of the back of the pillow sham on top of the front, with the strip side facing up. Line them up along the edges, so that the two back pieces of the pillow sham overlap in the middle.
Pin the front and back of the pillow sham together, then stitch them together around all four edges.
Turn the quilted pillow sham right side out.
Insert the pillow through the opening in the back of the quilted pillow sham.