Things You'll Need
Sew a Bolero Jacket
Choose a bolero pattern that has all the features you want. Some boleros are close fitting, while others are loose fitting or have flared sleeves. If you can’t find a bolero pattern you like, you can use another jacket or shirt pattern. To make a traditional bolero, the pattern should be simple, without buttons or a collar.
Cut out the pattern pieces. If you need to shorten a jacket or shirt pattern to make a cropped bolero jacket, fold the patterns to the length you want, leaving one inch extra at the bottom for the hem. Pin the folded pattern paper in place to keep it out of the way while you’re cutting.
Fold your fabric right sides together and pin the pattern pieces to it. Cut one back, two fronts and two sleeves. Place any pattern pieces on the fold that need to be on it.
Place the front pieces and the back right sides together. Pin them together, then stitch the front pieces to the back along the shoulders and sides. Press the seam allowance open or to one side.
Cut a strip of fabric about two inches wide and long enough to extend along the front of one side, around the neckline and down the other side of the front. (If your fabric isn’t long enough to cut one strip this size, cut several shorter strips and sew them together.)
Cut a strip of fusible interfacing as long as the strip of fabric and 1 1/2 inches wide. Place the strip of interfacing on the wrong side of the fabric, lining them up along one long edge. Iron the fusible interfacing to the fabric.
Fold the edge of the strip that doesn’t have interfacing over and press it flat. Stitch along the folded edge. (You may want to use a zigzag stitch to keep the fabric from raveling.)
Pin the unfolded edge of the strip to the fronts and neckline of the jacket, with the fabric right sides together. Stitch along one side of the front, around the neckline and down the other side. Turn the strip to the inside of the jacket and press the seam flat. Top-stitch along the edge of the jacket to hold the strip in place (optional).
Fold each sleeve in half right sides together, then stitch the lower edge of each sleeve. Turn the sleeves right side out.
Turn the bolero inside out and slip the sleeves inside the armholes so that they’re right sides together. Pin the upper edges of the sleeves to the armholes, then stitch them in place. Turn the bolero right side out.
Hem the bolero jacket and the sleeves by turning the lower edge of each piece 1/2 inch toward the inside and pressing it, then turning it over another 1/2 inch and pressing it again. Top-stitch along the fold to hold the hem in place.