Locate an organization or hospital that is accepting blankets. Finding a place to donate will help you with the kinds of materials and sizes that are necessary to make. Project Linus is a non-profit organization with chapters all over the country that coordinates blanket donations for area hospitals.
Find out the materials and sizes that are accepted by the organization or hospital. Although there are no fast rules for all hospitals, the typical requirement is cotton or flannel materials. Any material that is machine and dryer safe is also typically acceptable.
Decide how to make the blankets. You can sew or quilt, crochet and knit the blankets depending on what you know how to do.
Make them specific for boys or girls by using color. Use blue, green, red and orange for boys and pink, purple, yellow and light green for girls. You can also do themed blankets like sports or cars for boys and horses or princesses for girls.
Make as many blankets as you can and donate them to either the organization or hospital of your choice.