Things You'll Need
Purchase a package of sew-on snaps. They come in different sizes. The small ones are fine, but the medium and larger size snaps are easier to sew on a shirt and easier to use. Remove the snaps from the card they come on. Separate the snaps.
Thread the needle with thread that matches the color of the shirt. Tie a small knot in the end of double threads.
Hold the side of the snap with the ball against the side of the cuff where the button in. Place the snap near the cuff line on the cuff or place it in the placket on the sleeve.
Push the needle up through the underside of the fabric and up through one of the four holes on the snap. You may need a thimble. Take the needle back through all the layers of fabric. Take 3 or 4 stitches in the first hole, and then move on to repeat the process in the remaining three holes of the snap. Tie off the thread with a knot and cut it with scissors. The bottom snap should be secure at this point.
Take the side of the snap with the hole in the middle and hold it in the place where the ball portion of the snap strikes the cuff when it's together properly. Make a tiny stitch with the needle and thread to secure this portion of the snap.
Continue working your way around the hole portion of the snap. Don't let your stitches show on the top of the cuff. When this part of the snap is secure, tie it off with a knot and clip your thread. Press the two snap portions together. Repeat for the other sleeve.