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How to Sew a Cell Phone Case

You should already have the cell phone case cut out before you begin sewing it. Make certain that you have also cut the handle out of the fabric. See related eHow, "How to Cut Out a Pattern for a Cell Phone Case."

Things You'll Need

  • Cut pieces for the phone case
  • Iron
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine
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    • 1

      Iron the fabric for the handle. Fold the fabric together lengthwise with the wrong sides touching. Iron the seam down. Open the fabric up and lay it with the right side down. Fold the fabric again and bring the edge to the center with the wrong sides touching. Press this fold and do the same on the other side.

    • 2

      Keep the ironed down sides on the inside and fold back together and iron the first crease again. Stitch a hem down the side 1/8 inch from the edge on the outside of the handle. For balance and appearance, you may want to stitch a hem on the other side of the handle.

    • 3

      Place the 2 ends of the handle together and put the raw edges against the right side of the raw edge of 1 of the fabric pieces cut for the case. The handle is on top of the fabric. Line it to the top edge. Pin this into place.

    • 4

      Take the other piece of fabric and put it on top of the piece with the handle with the right sides together. Make sure the handle is on the inside. Start pinning every 1/4-inch around the edge of the fabric.

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      Begin to sew the phone case at the side before the top where the handle is. Start at 1/4-inch from the edge and backstitch at the beginning. Stop before each pin and remove it before you continue to sew. Stop sewing and adjust when you go over the handles. Stop sewing 1-inch from where you began so you have an opening to turn the handle. Backstitch where you stopped.

    • 6

      Remove the pins and trim the corners. Turn the piece right side out. You can use the handle to help do this. Simply grasp the handle and gently pull.

    • 7

      Fold the bottom up and pin the edges together. Make sure the raw edges are tucked in and top stitch the case all the way around with 1/4-inch seam. Leave the top open. Start with a backstitch and end with one.

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