Select a high-quality fabric. No matter how much attention you pay to the finishing details, it will all be for naught if you are sewing on a poorly constructed piece of fabric.
Plug in the iron and press the fabric as you work. Although pressing the fabric can seem like a bothersome chore to some people, ironing your fabric is necessary to ensure that seams and corners lay right.
Use shorter stitches when sewing. Even though your piece will take a bit longer to sew, the end product will be more durable and professional looking.
Choose the right interfacing to give collars, cuffs, waistbands and lapels proper support. Before sewing an interfacing, purchase several different selections and place them between two pieces of the fabric you plan to sew. Examine each one to determine how the different interfacing changes the fabric.
Practice sewing buttonholes. When sewn properly, you should not be able to see them. Remember to reinforce the buttonhole with interfacing.
Pay close attention to how you sew corners. Trim away any excess fabric to reduce how bulky a corner looks.
Sew with thread that matches your garment to hide any minor mistakes.